Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Journey Begins

Well, here it is.  Shelley has been looking at blogs,  fashion blogs mostly, while I have been whiling away the hours at work.  However, we thought it would be fun to do this thing, albeit we are probably older than most bloggers, and we probably aren't as focused.  But, we do have this going for us: we've seen a lot of life. We've survived it, and at times, even thrived.  And so, we are going to be sharing slices of our life here, as both a documentary of sorts, and as a celebration.  So, welcome to it!  We look forward to commenting on our travel, fashion, thought, and anything else that might strike our fancy, and any comments you might have in return. 

As Tolkein writes:  "The road goes ever on..."  We'd like to travel part of it with you.

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